Corps de l’article

Anthropologie / Anthropology

AYLWARD, Erin, Nadia ABU-ZAHRA, Audrey GILES, 2015 Mobility and Nunavut Inuit youth: Lessons from Northern Youth Abroad, Journal of Youth Studies, 18(5): 553-568.

BROWN TRINIDAD, Susan et al., 2015 Community dissemination and genetic research: Moving beyond results reporting, American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A, 167(7): 1542-1550.

BRUNGER, Fern, Todd RUSSELL, 2015 Risk and representation in research ethics: The NunatuKavut experience, Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics, 10(4): 368-379.

BUDACH, Gabriele, Donna PATRICK, Teevi MACKAY, 2015 “Talk around objects”: Designing trajectories of belonging in an urban Inuit community, Social Semiotics, 25(4): 446-464.

BUTTON KAMBIC, Emily, 2015 The changing lives of women’s knives: ulus, travel, and transformation, Historical Archaeology, 49(3): 35-53.

DUTHEIL, April, Frank TESTER, Jordan KONEK, 2015 Unequal exchange: Western economic logic and Inuit/Qablunaat research relationships, Polar Record, 51(2): 140-150.

GOMBAY, Nicole, 2015 “There are mentalities that need changing”: Constructing personhood, formulating citizenship, and performing subjectivities on a settler colonial frontier, Political Geography, 48: 11-23.

JOHNSON, Noor et al., 2015 The contributions of community-based monitoring and traditional knowledge to Arctic observing networks: Reflections on the state of the field, Arctic, 68: 28-40.

PASCH, Timothy J., 2015 Towards the enhancement of Arctic digital industries: “Translating” cultural content to new media platforms, Journal of Specialised Translation, 24: 187-213.

SOWA, Frank, 2015 Kalaalimernit: The Greenlandic taste for local foods in a globalised world, Polar Record, 51(3): 290-300.

Archéologie / Archaeology

BETTS, Matthew W., Mari HARDENBERG, Ian STIRLING, 2015 How animals create human history: Relational ecology and the Dorset-polar bear connection, American Antiquity, 80(1): 89-112.

LYNNERUP, Niels, 2015 The Thule Inuit mummies from Greenland, Anatomical Record-Advances in Integrative Anatomy and Evolutionary Biology, 298(6): 1001-1006.

MISARTI, Nicole, Herbert D. G. MASCHNER, 2015 The Paleo-Aleut to Neo-Aleut transition revisited, Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 37: 67-84.

PRENTISS, Anna Marie et al., 2015 Cultural macroevolution among high latitude hunter-gatherers: A phylogenetic study of the Arctic Small Tool tradition, Journal of Archaeological Science, 59: 64-79.

RAFF, Jennifer A. et al., 2015 Mitochondrial diversity of Iñupiat people from the Alaskan North Slope provides evidence for the origins of the Paleo- and Neo-Eskimo peoples, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 157(4): 603-614.

ROY, Natasha, James WOOLLETT, Najat BHIRY, 2015 Paleoecological perspectives on landscape history and anthropogenic impacts at Uivak Point, Labrador, since AD 1400, Holocene, 25(11): 1742-1755.

SUTHERLAND, Patricia D., Peter H. THOMPSON, Patricia A. HUNT, 2015 Evidence of early metalworking in Arctic Canada, Geoarchaeology, 30(1): 74-78.

WALLS, Matthew, Pauline KNUDSEN, Frederik LARSEN, 2015 Inughuit open water hunting before the Nineteenth Century: New dates and questions from Washington land, Northwest Greenland, American Antiquity, 80(3): 602-609.


SCHWAN, Kaitlin Jessica, Ernie LIGHTMAN, 2015 Fostering resistance, cultivating decolonization: The intersection of Canadian colonial history and contemporary arts programming with Inuit youth, Cultural Studies-Critical Methodologies, 15(1): 15-29.

Criminologie / Criminology

STEWART, Lynn A. et al., 2015 The effectiveness of the Tupiq Program for Inuit Sex Offenders, International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 59(12): 1338-1357.

Droit / Law

BERNAUER, Warren, 2015 The Nunavut land claims agreement and caribou habitat management, Canadian Journal of Native Studies, 35(1): 5-32.

KINGSTON, Lindsey, 2015 The destruction of identity: Cultural genocide and Indigenous peoples, Journal of Human Rights, 14(1): 63-83.

Économie / Economy

BEAUMIER, Maude C., James FORD, Shirley TAGALIK, 2015 The food security of Inuit women in Arviat, Nunavut: The role of socio-economic factors and climate change, Polar Record, 51(5): 550-559.

COX, David, Suzanne MILLS, 2015 Gendering Environmental Assessment: Women’s participation and employment outcomes at Voisey’s Bay, Arctic, 68(2): 246-260.

DUHAIME, Gérard, Roberson ÉDOUARD, 2015 Monetary poverty in Inuit Nunangat, Arctic, 68(2): 223-232.

GUO, Yang et al., 2015 Seasonal prevalence and determinants of food insecurity in Iqaluit, Nunavut, International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 74: article 27284.

HENDRIKSEN, Kåre, Ulrik JØRGENSEN, 2015 Hunting and fishing settlements in Upernavik district of Northern Greenland – challenged by climate, centralization, and globalization, Polar Geography, 38(2): 123-146.

LORING, Philip A., S. Craig GERLACH, 2015 Searching for progress on food security in the North American North: A research synthesis and meta-analysis of the peer-reviewed literature, Arctic, 68(3): 380-392.

SELLHEIM, Nikolas, 2015 The goals of the EU seal products trade regulation: From effectiveness to consequence, Polar Record, 51(3): 274-290.

Éducation / Education

HARCHAREK, Pausauraq Jana, Cathy Tagnak REXFORD, 2015 Remembering their words, evoking kiŋuniivut: the development of the Iñupiaq learning framework, Journal of American Indian Education, 54(2): 9-28.

KENNEDY DALSEG, Sheena, 2015 Creating citizens, building societies? Adult education in the Eastern Arctic as if community mattered, Historical Studies in Education-Canada, 27(1): 99-120.

McGREGOR, Catherine A., 2015 Creating able human beings: Social studies curriculum in the Northwest Territories and Nunavut, 1969 to the present, Historical Studies in Education-Canada, 27(1): 57-79.

McGREGOR, Heather E., 2015 Listening for more (hi)stories from the Arctic’s dispersed and diverse educational past, Historical Studies in Education-Canada, 27(1): 19-39.

McMILLAN, Barbara, 2015 Educating for cultural survival in Nunavut: Why haven’t we learned from the past?, Paideusis-The Journal of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society, 22(2): 24-37.

Environnement / Environment

CHAMPALLE, Clara, James FORD, Mya SHERMAN, 2015 Prioritizing climate change adaptations in Canadian Arctic communities, Sustainability, 7(7): 9268-9292.

CUERRIER, Alain et al., 2015 The study of Inuit knowledge of climate change in Nunavik, Quebec: A mixed methods approach, Human Ecology, 43(3): 379-394.

DURKALEC, Agata, Chris FURGAL, Mark W. SKINNER, Tom SHELDON, 2015 Climate change influences on environment as a determinant of Indigenous health: Relationships to place, sea ice, and health in an Inuit community, Social Science and Medicine, 136: 17-26.

MacDONALD, Joanna Petrasek et al., 2015 Protective factors for mental health and well-being in a changing climate: Perspectives from Inuit youth in Nunatsiavut, Labrador, Social Science and Medicine, 141: 133-141.

PEARCE, Tristan, James FORD, Ashlee Cunsolo WILLOX, Barry SMIT, 2015 Inuit Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK), subsistence hunting and adaptation to climate change in the Canadian Arctic, Arctic, 68(2): 233-245.

RATHWELL, Kaitlyn Joanne, Derek ARMITAGE, Fikret BERKES, 2015 Bridging knowledge systems to enhance governance of the environmental commons: A typology of settings, International Journal of the Commons, 9(2): 851-880.

STATHAM, Sara et al., 2015 Anomalous climatic conditions during winter 2010-2011 and vulnerability of the traditional Inuit food system in Iqaluit, Nunavut, Polar Record, 51(3): 301-317.

WILLOX, Ashlee Cunsolo et al., 2015 Examining relationships between climate change and mental health in the Circumpolar North, Regional Environmental Change, 15(1): 169-182.

Géographie / Geography

SCASSA, Teresa, Nate J. ENGLER, D. R. Fraser TAYLOR, 2015 Legal issues in mapping traditional knowledge: Digital cartography in the Canadian North, Cartographic Journal, 52(1): 41-50.

Histoire / History

BROWN, S. K., C. M. DARWENT, E. J. WICTUM, B. N. SACKS, 2015 Using multiple markers to elucidate the ancient, historical and modern relationships among North American Arctic dog breeds, Heredity, 115(6): 488-495.

PERKINS, Robert A., 2015 Oil spill, August 1944: The CULA expedition and the North Slope Inupiat, Polar Record, 51(2): 201-211.

Linguistique / Linguistics

ALLEN, Shanley E. M., Catherine DENCH, 2015 Calculating mean length of utterance for eastern Canadian Inuktitut, First Language, 35(4-5): 377-406.

CAMERON, Emilie, Rebecca MEARNS, Janet Tamalik McGRATH, 2015 Translating climate change: Adaptation, resilience, and climate politics in Nunavut, Canada, Annals of The Association of American Geographers, 105(2): 274-283.

GRAF, Eileen, Anna THEAKSTON, Elena LIEVEN, Michael TOMASELLO, 2015 Subject and object omission in children’s early transitive constructions: A discourse-pragmatic approach, Applied Psycholinguistics, 36(3): 701-727.

HAYASHI, Midori, David Y. OSHIMA, 2015 How multiple past tenses divide the labor: The case of South Baffin Inuktitut, Linguistics, 53(4): 773-808.

KELLY, Barbara F. et al., 2015 Linguistic diversity in first language acquisition research: Moving beyond the challenges, First Language, 35(4-5): 286-304.

SHERKINA-LIEBER, Marina, 2015 Tense, aspect, and agreement in heritage Labrador Inuttitut: Do receptive bilinguals understand functional morphology?, Linguistic Approaches To Bilingualism, 5(1): 30-61.

SHERKINA-LIEBER, Marina, Rena HELMS-PARK, 2015 A prototype of a receptive lexical test for a polysynthetic heritage language: The case of Inuttitut in Labrador, Language Testing, 32(4): 419-442.

VOVIN, Alexander, 2015 Eskimo Loanwords in Northern Tungusic, Iran and the Caucasus, 19(1): 87-95.

Politique / Politics

SELLHEIM, Nikolas, 2015 The goals of the EU seal products trade regulation: From effectiveness to consequence, Polar Record, 51(3): 274-290.

Psychologie / Psychology

BJERREGAARD, Peter, Christina Viskum LYTKEN LARSEN, 2015 Time trend by region of suicides and suicidal thoughts among Greenland Inuit, International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 74: article 26053.

BJOERKSTEN, Karin S., Peter BJERREGAARD, 2015 Season of birth is different in Inuit suicide victims born into traditional than into modern lifestyle: A register study from Greenland, BMC Psychiatry, 15: article 147.

BURTON, Peter, Angela DALEY, Shelley PHIPPS, 2015 The well-being of adolescents in Northern Canada, Child Indicators Research, 8(3): 717-745.

CHACHAMOVICH, Eduardo et al., 2015 Suicide among Inuit: Results from a large, epidemiologically representative follow-back study in Nunavut, Canadian Journal of Psychiatry-Revue Canadienne De Psychiatrie, 60(6): 268-275.

DECALUWE, Beatrice et al., 2015 Impact of Inuit customary adoption on behavioral problems in school-age Inuit children, American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 85(3): 250-258.

FRASER, Sarah L. et al., 2015 Changing rates of suicide ideation and attempts among Inuit youth: A gender-based analysis of risk and protective factors, Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 45(2): 141-156.

MORRIS, Marika, Claire CROOKS, 2015 Structural and cultural factors in suicide prevention: The contrast between mainstream and Inuit approaches to understanding and preventing suicide, Journal of Social Work Practice, 29(3): 321-338.

WEXLER, Lisa et al., 2015 Advancing suicide prevention research with rural American Indian and Alaska Native populations, American Journal of Public Health, 105(5): 891-899.


LAUGRAND, Frédéric, Jarich G. OOSTEN, 2015 Inuit women in the process of the conversion to Christianity in the Canadian eastern Arctic: 1894-1945, Polar Record, 51(5): 513-529.

Santé / Health

FORTIN, Marilyn, Richard E. BÉLANGER, Olivier BOUCHER, Gina MUCKLE, 2015 Temporal trends of alcohol and drug use among Inuit of Northern Quebec, Canada, International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 74: article 29146.

GALLOWAY, Tracey, Louise JOHNSON-DOWN, Grace M. EGELAND, 2015 Socioeconomic and cultural correlates of diet quality in the Canadian Arctic: Results from the 2007-2008 Inuit Health Survey, Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research, 76(3): 117-125.

LESSARD, Lily, Louise FOURNIER, Josée GAUTHIER, Diane MORIN, 2015 Continuum of care for persons with common mental health disorders in Nunavik: A descriptive study, International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 74: article 27186.

RUIZ-CASTELL, Maria et al., 2015 Household crowding and food insecurity among Inuit families with school-aged children in the Canadian Arctic, American Journal of Public Health, 105(3): E122-E132.

SHEEHY, T., F. KOLAHDOOZ, C. ROACHE, S. SHARMA, 2015 Traditional food consumption is associated with better diet quality and adequacy among Inuit adults in Nunavut, Canada, International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 66(4): 445-451.

YOUNG, T. Kue, Susan CHATWOOD, Peter BJERREGAARD, 2015 Observing the changing health of Circumpolar peoples, Arctic, 68: 1-5.

YOUNG, T. Kue, Carmina NG, Susan CHATWOOD, 2015 Assessing health care in Canada’s North: What can we learn from national and regional surveys?, International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 74: article 28436.

Savoirs traditionnels / Traditional knowledge

DOWSLEY, Martha, 2015 Identity and the evolving relationship between Inuit women and the land in the eastern Canadian Arctic, Polar Record, 51(5): 536-549.

MUSTONEN, Tero, 2015 Communal visual histories to detect environmental change in northern areas: Examples of emerging North American and Eurasian practices, Ambio, 44(8): 766-777.

Sociologie/ Sociology

SCHMIDT, Rose, Charlotte HRENCHUK, Judie BOPP, Nancy POOLE, 2015 Trajectories of women’s homelessness in Canada’s 3 northern territories, International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 74: article 29778.

Tourisme / Tourism

GRIMWOOD, Bryan S. R., 2015 Advancing tourism’s moral morphology: Relational metaphors for just and sustainable Arctic tourism, Tourist Studies, 15(1): 3-26.